Crepe Crepe

Address: 3005 Eubank Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111
Phone: 505-323-3817
Website: None

August 2016, from member Brianna: Crepe Crepe is a great place for a fun dessert or light meal. I have gone to Crepe Crepe and dined safely 3+ times. Their crepe batter is gluten free, so there isn’t a worry of cross contamination on the griddle! Their menu if labeled to help guide you to gluten free toppings. Just be sure to notify them of your restrictions and ask them to change their gloves and be careful of cross contamination. My favorite combo so far… Nutella with a scoop of strawberry ice cream OR cheesecake filling with chocolate chips and fresh raspberries. How can I pick?